The Arc Master 300 twin-wire arc spray system is designed for quick and efficient application of coatings from solid and cored wires. Durable, yet lightweight, the spray gun can be used for manual spraying, as well as for robot-mounted applications. The gun uses a powerful pull mechanism that eliminates spluttering associated with push designs, and is capable of reliably feeding all 1/16" to 3/32" (1.6 to 2.4 mm) solid and cored wires. The Arc Master 300 system is built to provide the highest on-the-job reliability and always deliver consistent, trouble-free wire feeding.
For super dense, low porosity coatings. Unlike regular arc spray systems that use compressed air, the HVAF Arc 300 utilizes a high-velocity, high-temperature jet (through combustion of air-propane mixture) for atomization. This not only provides superfine particle atomization, but also creates a reducing oxygen-free environment that envelopes particles in flight, shielding them from oxidation. This effect, combined with very high jet velocity, permits the formation of very dense, low-porosity coatings that are essentially free from oxides. This is the only system in the world capable of producing such coatings from wire stock.